Dofteana Village, Bacau County

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Bear play, old tradition in Dofteana, Bacau County

Teacher: ANA HANGANU Classes I-VIII School Haghiac, Com. Bacau County Dofteana

The number of inhabitants of commune Dofteana is over 12,000, a considerable number of them are on the left to work in Italy or Spain, the Christmas holidays but always returning "home.'' Here, "home" for Christmas and New Year traditions are the most beautiful on Earth. From child to old man to know, are preserved, practice, and new teachers to pass from generation to generation, they emphasize the importance of charm and their children and motivate them to not forget them and take them further. Christmas is practical, '''carols, "Jian" Star ". The New Year practice: Game of the goat bears game, game mascaţilor out. Each usually has the charm and beauty, but all, "GAME Bear" enjoys the widest distribution, fauna job explaining its magnitude. We know that the bear lives in the mountains, our region enjoys abundant from it. In the past bears down almost to causing damage to local farms, this thing given the specific cry of the game.
The game play is basic bear hunting, local pride, and the people have freedom of imagination and created a permanent înfrumuseţând this tradition. This game requires the existence of a large group of people made up,''led by a captain fog. Fog is conmpusă of bears, bear leaders, irozi, masked and drummers. Drummers begin rehearsals at St. Andrew, were about drumming sticks called girdles the trunk with two hammers beating different rhythms. They have a great importance because the tone of the game. They are dressed in red shirts were provided special hat on his head around with mirrors and beads, red cheeks are painted, pants are black and the side from top to bottom have tricolor ribbon.
"Bearers" are people who lead the bears by requiring them to do movements that may be giving the orders. They are dressed in white shirts with wide belts in the middle called suspenders, black hat on his head under îmrejur about birds, and in their hands or cearlăie clubs which start at the end of chains that are attached to each bear's head. It is said that the bear run ursari movements imposed only if it is linked chain of cearlăul ursari.
Bears are people dressed in bear skins, the head has two large red wool tassel.
Irozii, dressed in female (white shirts, belts or sticks placed diagonally across the chest and back, fitted with red handkerchiefs sewn skirts and helmets on the heads of different color paper, pipes and swords in their hands). Afford an unparalleled game play of light and color that unfolds in the dialogues sound ţicnalelor two different tones amid the tobe.Tinerii răpăitului battle it out in a symbolic manner.
Similarly, it has made masks representing the faces of people in different stages of life, and especially old age. In many cases the characters do not come off since they wear masks and cover their faces. They are made so that open up the amusement, and people who wear them will spread the good.
New Year's Eve in the center of a show is a beauty. Here we meet the seven divisions of the bears from villages of a race taking place in the way they play and are made up and costumed. All breath villages gather at this show which fills your heart with joy and pride that you are a resident of this zone.Toate eyes are directed to the stage where each course goes up in the following order: bears, ursarii, drummers, irozii, masked. Here we present and new teachers as we present to students a week before the Festival of Customs and habits which get prizes such as we deserve.
I'm sure that customs will never die Dofteana village, they will exist as long as the Romanian discontent will exist on this earth, because nearly all teachers are local women, are big fans of these places and keep the traditions means to love country Romanian nation and sweet speech. We must find the way to redefine the word patriotism''in a particular form in which students understand that being a patriot means to love your fellow man. Tradition must exist in the construction of a man, she must die. It helps us self-definition, only by experiencing it, we know who we are, where we came from, what about us, conoaştem true with value.

Ana Hanganu com.Dofteana, Bacau County


Please note that translations are not yet verified, so there are many translations errors. With appologize.


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