Dofteana Village, Bacau County

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Wedding-important event in village life Haghiac

narrated by grand mother Mary at the age of 98 years

Too busy with everyday problems, worries of tomorrow, with all sorts of crises that push us there, we often forget May we take time to ensure that once the threshold of what we are sleeping peacefully.
However on August 28, 2010 I remembered that my grandmother Do it ani.Am honorable age of 98 took a bouquet of white roses, her favorite flowers, the camera and I stepped in the "pit house" as they called it that little living room in a while.
I found a slew of heat, but the prayer book found in a mâini.Cam so whenever I go to it and every time I ask jokingly: "Grand mother, you're stilnaşil studying for PhD? ". She looks at me smiling and I say," I'll see you at my age how difficult it! ". Read prayers amazes me that not to put their glasses and all who visit are surprised when they find one asked citind.Am how many times he sees without glasses, and she answers me short: "The above knows!"
I wished "Happy Birthday" and after I watched a few seconds with a gentle sadness faded voice said: "Do not say never a man to 98 years, happy birthday, it's not nice!" I asked wondering what to say, and she said a little more cheerful "Christian End! so to say. "
A few minutes to let silence and every thought we think about things all diferite.Am broke the silence and asked her to tell me what simte.Ma looked again with a gentle sadness that comes from her blue eyes and told me "that Sâmţ God forgot me! "I knew he likes to be photographed and I asked her to take a picture of her grandchildren and great grandchildren to give, but gave me permission to not" regenerate with good clothes "that this is properly.
In the grandparents' house I heard several stories, happy and sad memories of the lives of people during the two world wars, people's lives after the last war, how people earn their living, as well as asked the veseleau.Am mămuca povestesca me something cheerful, for the time when she was sitting tânără.Nu much thought and began to tell me how weddings were 80 years ago.
"At that time, weddings were done by rule, understanding parents," says mămuca cap.Băiatul shaking slightly and she knew the usual Sunday at the dance from the village, which belonged to playing in dance vorbă.După big boy named girl to play with him in the middle Horites match to see how the game and if it liked, the boy a "spent" the girl home. So begins the time of love stories.
Young and the longer knew where he helped crack and evenings at various things and had fun ball.
Those who "liked" begged parents to begin "callings" of the boy sent nuntă.Părinţii parents face when he receives word from the set day peţit.In face relatives gathered at her house and waited for the boy to come with parents, godparents, with magistrate of the village, relatives apropiate.Dupa discuss what the girl's dowry and the house where they will establish newlyweds, logodna.Intr held a bowl filled with wheat and two wedding rings hiding had to symbolize the beginning of the road caute.Grâul two.
The girl had to show peţitorilor dowry chest, they were set in her clothes, woven cloth, towels, and things needed to start up a family: pillows, rugs, fabrics, hemp, wool fabrics, rugs (carpets) and other .
If the bride was hardworking, had to show peţitorilor Mires shirt sewn by her hands, towels for honest godparents, the parents (which comes after the wedding neck) and handkerchiefs embroidered handkerchief vornicei.O it to be sewn to put large gourd of Fri serving those who were invited to the wedding.
I found it interesting how nuntă.Vornicii confirm participation in-laws hired by large and small in-laws would go through the village with gourd full of wine nuntă.Dacă invite the world to drink from the gourd called and said "Good luck and nice meeting! "mean that it will come to the wedding, if he wishes and not only drink from the gourd was a sign that he could not come to the wedding.
The wedding began on Thursday when they gathered at the house of the bride and her best friends were the guests flowers placed in the chest (usually lost today). The flowers were tied with tinsel and their aranjatul was great occasion for joy in the bride's house . Also on Thursday came the bride's house plocoane women (gifts). In my day, they brought plocoane mămuca said he had every house, attached house fowls, spun wool, cloth, clay ulcele filled with flour and other "little thing .
Saturday, the groom's house preparing food for nuntă.Se made cakes, rolls and friptură.In village were two to three women skilled in cooking (cooks) who were hired by the mother than those necessary to prepare the feast.
Sunday lads gathered at the groom's house and began partying with two trees amounted brazilor.Se lifting the groom's entrance courtyard and a very tall tree in the top third of which had to reach the tree top high flăcău.In agile, well-peeled, is tie a towel and a gourd full of wine or brandy. When returning from the wedding, bride, young people and which were competing to get on top of the tree make gourd, towel and received applause from the guests.
The musicians behind him, with the lads, and vorniceii conocarul, the groom went to the house amounted naşilor. There two other trees, then went to the house of the bride.
Two lovely trees and rises in the yard of the bride, after which "conocăria" cooking the bride and "iertăciunea.
Cooking asemănatot bride was dressed noastre.Mireasa day at the most beautiful shirt, and pride was greater if it was sewn by her hand.
An important role was conocarul, who said "conocăria. This marriage proposal be told in vesuri.Conocarul the groom presents the bride's parents as" Young Emperor "in seeking to take their garden a" silver flower " . The text is metaphorically conducted and diminutives and epithets conocăriei give a special charm.
The groom was greeted by two full Coffee fresh water and a nice ring împletit.Inainte to enter the house to find his bride, the groom was cross, broke the ring and throw it over the house.
Bride hidden from her friends, expect to achieve the bridegroom with a twig turn busuioc.La bride groom to achieve a twig is in the tradition of the Romanian village brad.Busuiocul luck symbol and the symbol tree durability.
High godmother "cooked" the bride with veil and wreath of white flowers, while the fiddler played with fire "the best day of your wedding!" It was the last time when young show their hair braided in plaits, because according to tradition, the young woman wearing after the wedding all the time his head covered with a wrap (scarf).
After the ritual is over cooked, the bride groom put a large flower in the right and flowers all the guests on the left. Was going to take "iertăciunii, committed ritual of the groom and bride in the middle of the court to put parents fetei.In a carpet where "sat" parents face. The bride and groom kneel in front of their parents and asking for forgiveness took their blessing to go to sea cununie.Naşa had to break a ring over the bride's head and throw in four parts in the sign crucii.Se believed that unmarried girls had to eat pieces of godmother ring thrown to marry than easier. After parents and kissed his hand collided with a glass of wine, accompanied by the bride and the guests went to the wedding godparents.
Mother of the bride sit in the middle of the church a beautiful woven carpet that would sit and naşii.Se bride chose the most beautiful rug of chest drawers, a sign of respect and love for Miriam and godparents.
While telling me about the beauty of the wedding ceremony, mămuca Maria remembered the girls that were daring, "the groom's foot when pierced crossing their dance biserică.Aşa thought they were shooting that will control all life in the household. I asked her if she stepped on the picior.A tatamoşu smiled and said: "yore, who knows?"
After the wedding service, the procession moved toward the groom's house where he had received great place petrecerea.Soacra bride with bread and salt, then tied with a cloth to be united forever.
Wedding held until the next zi.Se cooked cabbage served ulcele clay oven roast made, cards, cakes.
The next morning, take great godmother bridal veil and "duped" because they come among married women.
"Pretty much my time weddings were female," said mămuca the end of the story.
I noticed that tired, but happy at the same time he had to return to starting timp.La I asked her what the secret is in 98's lucid ani.Ea voice answered me off: "I worked hard and believed in mea.L life God I found God at age 4 years when I was an orphan and has since been with me for better or for worse "
Daniela Chiţigoi


Please note that translations are not yet verified, so there are many translations errors. With appologize.


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